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Credits?  Image key?  Bibliography?  I'm giving proper citation to the surprisingly rare public archives and selfless photographers who will let me basically tear down an image, obliterate whatever meaning it had unto itself for mere attribution or a fee to use as a tidbit in a composition I am offering up for pecuniary support.  After my first few digital assemblages, I still had 100's of my own high-quality photos remaining that just didn't go together with any meaning.  I also realized I could never photograph enough exceptional images to support the many other assemblage ideas I had.  The tradeoff for a significant amount of research is gleaning some incredible image tidbits I can use in my newer grand-scale compositions.  

Here are the sources for photos I did not take, though the mapped-out guides do include some of my own.     

 Edvard Munch’s 1893 version of  The Scream,  National Gallery of Norway via Wikimedia Commons.
Amore and More
The lilies are sampled from a vintage postcard with no legible identifying info.
 Julian Onderdonk's seminal Texas Hill Country paintings were prominent at Witte Museum in San Antonio where I worked in college. I sampled and stitched pieces of his Bluebonnets at Dusk from Wikimedia Commons into the panoramic backdrop.   
Dé Jà
This was one of my first collages and regrettably the attributions for  the clock, aurora borealis and star backgrounds were lost.   The lady and children with the lanterns and carnations is a painting by Charles Curran via Wikimedia Commons.
Bucket List


The moon is courtesy of  JPM W on Flickr Creative Commons.    The lilies are sampled from a vintage postcard. The cranes are from US Fish and Wildlife on Flickr Creative Commons.   All images are significantly modified.


The flame-colored geometric pattern running through the work is a modified black and white file from “Arabian Geometric Patterns” by Pepin Press courtesy of special arrangement with them.

High Note

"Through these portals, the most beautiful girls in the world pass out!" stated the entrance of Leon and Eddie's.  There goes my naïve reverence of classic jazz.  Post-prohibition to post-war 52nd Street in NYC was a hotspot for sophistication and raunch.  jazz, swing, elegant attire, burlesque, strippers and Harry the Hipster who made the Ratpack and Jerry Lee Lewis seem like dignitaries.


This work simply is an interpretation of what it would look  like crossing the street to 3 Deuces when your creamed crab meat glace with bonne femme from Leon and Eddie's failed to soak up your liquor.    The base photo is from a William Gottlieb Kodachrome slide from about May 20, 1948.  I did extensive retouches and artistic adjustments. Please understand  that Mr. Gottlieb did not have a shaky hand. I added a full moon because it  was full on May 23rd  (close enough).


William Gottlieb chronicled the Golden Age of Jazz with exquisite photo portraits and live performance shots.  He donated his entire collection to the public domain with no restrictions on usage.  I used this unpublished reference slide because it captured the glitz of the time, and because doing so can in the smallest of ways to help sustain the world's love of classic jazz.


1  Leon and Eddie's menu sometimes during WWII at





Justus Hayes graciously licensed his photo of the Riverview Hospital in British Columbia for this purpose via Flickr Creative Commons.  And the'll have to contact me ;)

Into the Light

Locally Sourced

LoneStarMike’s quintessential Austin photo is the starting point for my abstracted skyline. 

Love is in the Air

The trees and field were heavily adapted from a beautiful daytime photo by Nana B Agyei on Flickr Creative Commons.  I painted over it digitally before sampling in the clouds and moon.


The luna moth I stylized from a beautiful detailed photo by Geoffe Gallice on Flickr Creative Commons.


Planequarium could never have been realized at all

had these underwater photographers and institutions allowed me to sample their works.

Role Reversal

 An open heart is the best path to empathy, but this reversal of fortune is funnier.  

Special thanks to Terry Priest from Flickr Creative Commons for beyond-the-norm permission to use his terrific macro still of the flying firefly.  Also to Katja Schulz, Kulvee Virk, Christine Paulus, and Manwomangradybaby on FCC for their firefly stills, and John Rawlinson there for the racoons.  All these images have been quite altered from the photographers' original work.

Finally, thanks to "Anonymous Mom" for letting me photograph her "Anonymous Girl" having fun with the glass doors at the mall.   Hope you enjoy what I did  :).  

Turn Back the Hands of Time

The lady in the doorway is part of A Japanese Lantern, an 1886 pastel by Oda Krohg via Wikimedia Commons. I've retouched the image quite a bit and added the trace of baby's breath on her dress. 

Shelter From the Storm

Thanks to Michael Hodge on Flickr Creative Commons for the mushrooms in the forest. 

Wait No More

The base field and trees was part of daytime photo from southern England graciously donated to Flickr Creative Commons by Darren Shilson.  For all my travels, I’d still been searching 18 months for the perfect open landscape to express this idea.  

We the People

© 2024 by Lisa Loudermilk

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